
Our program is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so we have to raise our money to take advantage of the opportunities given to us. However, because we are so active and attend many tournaments, we don't like to put a financial strain on the parents.  In a season, we participate in roughly 12 tournaments, some in state and some not.  The out-of-state tournaments require bus transportation, hotel rooms, airfare, rental cars, etc.  To cut down on the cost that each student has to pay, we try to raise as much money as possible throughout the year.


We raise money year-round to go towards these expenses.  

  • In July and August, we have car washes.

  • In August and September, we sell Attractions coupon books.

  • In September, we host our Speech & Debate Tournament at Riverside, and this tournament is our largest fundraiser. It requires all our students to participate and parent volunteers to help run things smoothly.

  • In October and November, we sell Otis Spunkmeyer and Believe Kids products.

  • In December, we host the Christmas Carol Radio Play in the spirit of the holidays and as a way to showcase the talent of our students.

  • In April, we have a spring showcase to showcase what our team has achieved throughout the year and to recruit new members for the upcoming season.

  • Throughout the year, we have multiple spirit nights.


Every speech and debate member is expected to participate in the fundraisers.  Any money raised helps benefit the team, not just an individual or a set group of individuals.